最近我去超市時,看到 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜這個產品,但發現這個價格最近沒特價


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我決定用【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜的折價券來買

結果就這樣不小心省了【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜的錢呢~~(大心)

如果要買【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜我建議你可以到瘋狂賣客購物購買唷~~

[ISBN-13碼] 9789578635104

[ISBN] 9578635109

[作者] 戴 照煜

[出版社] 耶魯

[出版日期] 1992-12-01

[書況補充說明] 有髒污、書斑, 有折頁, 不介意才請下標,謝謝!


低價特賣 書籍狀態請詳看圖示



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【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜他打開後的樣子長這樣~~

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關鍵字: 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜開箱文、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜心得、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜邀稿、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜試用、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜評價、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜評比、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜比較、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜推薦、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜哪裡買、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜台北、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜新北、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜桃園、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜新竹、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜苗栗、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜台中、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜彰化、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜南投、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜雲林、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜嘉義、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜台南、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜高雄、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜屏東、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜宜蘭、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜花蓮、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜台東、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜澎湖、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜金門、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜馬祖、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜經銷商、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜維修、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜退貨、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜換貨、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜電話、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜廠商、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜優惠、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜折價券、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜pchome、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜快速到貨、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜貨到付款、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜刷卡、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜特價、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜特賣會、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜直銷、 【書寶二手書T7/行銷_GRH】行銷實戰 : 21世紀行銷新趨勢_戴 照煜costco



SYDNEY, Australia, May 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

This communication does not constitute an offer for sale of securities in the United States. The securities described herein have not been, and will not be, registered under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended ("Securities Act"), and the securities may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in the United States, except in a transaction exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act.

DroneShield Limited (ACN 608 915 859) (the Company) lodged a prospectus for the initial public offer of its securities with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) on 27 April 2016 (Prospectus). The issuer of the securities under the Prospectus is the Company. The Prospectus is available and can be obtained by contacting the Company at investors@droneshield.com or alternatively, you can obtain a copy of the Prospectus from the website of the Company at www.droneshield.com/investors. The initial public offer of the Company's securities is made in the Prospectus. All persons should consider the Prospectus in deciding whether to acquire securities in the Company. Anyone who wants to acquire securities in the Company will need to complete an application form that will be in or will accompany the Prospectus.

DroneShieldis an established player in the detection of small unmanned aerial vehicles (sUAVs or "drones") for the protection of public and private sectors including infrastructure, airports, utilities, prisons, stadiums, defence installations, borders, secured sites, manufacturing plants, real estate assets, and public events.

DroneShield protecting Boston Marathon (April 2016)

The Company is addressing a very real issue in today's society. Affordable consumer-grade drones have become popular around the world, with over 1 million commercial drones sold last year and 12 million expected to be in operation by 2020.

However, commercial drones present unique and frequent threats to privacy, physical security, and public safety in a wide variety of public and private sectors, which is expected to lead to a defence and security drone market worth over US$$11 billion by 2024.


Drones have the capability to deliver a payload to a precise location and are extremely hard to detect. DroneShield has a unique and effective solution that detects drones and is being shipped around the world through a growing network of distributors.

The Company's unique technology uses proprietary hardware, which is backed by proprietary software to detect drones up to 1km away and that would usually be invisible to radar and radio frequency based systems. DroneShield utilises audio/acoustic signatures obtained at US Department of Defence approved anechoic chamber to detect any drone in production.

The Company has shipped over 220 units since January 2014, and its products have been used by a US state Homeland Security facility, several NATO militaries, and a high profile US airport, and for the protection of a G7 Head of State. In April 2016, DroneShield products have provided drone security at the Boston Marathon for the second year in a row, protecting over 30,000 runners and thousands of spectators.

DroneShield is headed up by CEO James Walker, an experienced executive with a history of successfully leading early stage companies to commercialisation in global markets and the former CFO of the London-listed Seeing Machines (AIM:SEE). The board, management team and advisory board include a number of high profile defence industry executives, including:

- the current chairman of the boards of nearmap Ltd (ASX:NEA) and Macquarie Telecom Group (ASX:MAQ) (Chairman),

- the former Deputy National Security Advisor for Vice-President Cheney (Director),

- a former Chief of Naval Research (United States Navy) and the U.S. Department of the Navy Chief Technology Officer (Advisory Board),

- a former Australian Minister for Defence (Advisory Board), and

- a former Commander of the British Field Army (Advisory Board).

The Company is raising A$5 million to A$7 million in connection with an ASX IPO through the issue of up to 35 million shares at an issue price of A$0.20 per share, with the IPO due to close 2 June. The Company has reserved discretion to close the IPO early.

Funds raised from the IPO will be used for to further scale DroneShield's existing technology, adapt DroneShield's products to meet unique customer demands as they arise and implement strategies to add complementary detection and certain countermeasure methods in permitted locations. The funds will also enable DroneShield to assist its existing global distributor network and develop their local markets, establish selected direct relationships within key segments of local markets identified by DroneShield, expand the manufacturing capability of DroneShield's products, and pay any ongoing intellectual property, legal, insurance and administration costs.

To view the Prospectus please click here.

Photo - http://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20160511/8521603030



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